I’ve been setting aside a bit of time each day to plan and prep for 2020 — a new year and a new decade! I really want to be intentional about my time so I’ve been brainstorming ideas and finally put together my daily, weekly and monthly routine. While I think it’s important to have routines, we also have to have grace an be flexible. Here’s a look at what I plan to do during each interval of time.
- Supplements: Magnesium & CBD
- Movement
- Gratitude Journal
- Morning Pages (2-2 pages free write)
- Meditation
- Skincare + Affirmations
- Create: sponsored content and blog posts
- Consume: 1 podcast and 3 articles
- Meal plan
- Review bank and credit card statements
- Continuing legal education
- Set focus area / word
- Improve blog SEO
- Financial: list income generated, investment analysis, list business expenses
- Health review & make any necessary appointments
- Celebrate Accomplishments!!
I hope this gives you ideas on some things you can include in your daily / weekly / monthly routines. As my seasons of life change, my routines may change as well — and that’s why I emphasis the need for flexibility. Let me know what on your list!