Immunity Boost | DIY Essential Oil Blend

The seasons are changing and FALL is COMING! Bless up. But I find that when the seasons change, it’s especially important for me to pay extra attention to taking care of myself. The end of the year is usually the busiest for me and I’ve got a TON of travel on my agenda. So in preparation for the change of seasons and a very busy Q4, I’ve been looking into different essential oil blends to help support my system.

The oils in this DIY blend are known to positively effect the immune system and to naturally help protect against germs. Perfect for stressful times and all those hours on the plane! I’m not an expert in essential oils, but I like to use them because they’re natural. I do NOT ingest essential oils! But I love having this roller ball with me because I can use it as a hand sanitizer and then I also breathe it in from the bottle.

Please consult with your individual healthcare practitioner about incorporating oils into your routine. But for me, I love knowing that I’m getting a little extra support during this  busy season of my life! You may have heard of Young Living’s Thieves formula or doTerra’s On Guard or Edens Garden’s Fighting Five — all of these are essentially the same blend of oils. So why not DIY!

Immunity Boost Essential Oil Blend


5 drops each: Orange, Cinnamon, Eucalyptus

3 drops: Clove

Fractionated Coconut Oil


Drop the Orange, Cinnamon, Eucalyptus and Clove oils into an amber rollerball bottle and fill the rest with Fractionated Coconut Oil. Blend well. That’s It!

PS – I wrapped my bottle in super cute washi tape so I could distinguish it from other DIY essential oil blends that I made. I love this amber bottle set — it’s an amazing value and I use the droppers for my DIY Glow Serum and the spray bottles for rosewater! Also, if you don’t want a rollerball, you can blend the oils only (omit the coconut oil!) and just diffuse them in your house instead.

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