
Mae Badiyan is an engaging and thoughtful speaker sharing her expertise and experience with success, leadership, productivity and life management. Living boldly, having it all and operating out of an abundance mindset are aspects of life we should be implementing every single day. It’s what Mae Badiyan teaches, lives and believes.

Need a presenter to add inspired action, motivation and humor to your next event? Contact Mae to hear her dynamic, signature talk entitled Success: What Like It’s Hard? Habits & Small Wins That Lead to Big Results or to collaborate on a custom presentation for your organization and audience.


Mae was so fun! I enjoyed her sass and how she made everyone feel like her new best friend.

She was SO dynamic and fun to listen to, and I really enjoyed how you could take the info she shared and apply it to most anything in life.

Very inspiring and made me excited!

Her enthusiasm is contagious. This was my favorite session.

This was a very inspiring presentation! It inspired a lot of good thinking.

She was awesome. Fun attitude and funny. Very entertaining, informative and informative

mae badiyan maebad public speaking testimonial blogger money mindset manifestation conference event planner 5
mae badiyan maebad public speaking testimonial blogger money mindset manifestation conference event planner


Launch Bloggers Conference (Oklahoma City, Oklahoma)

Reebok Wellness Event (Los Angeles, California)